How Best-Practice Social Media Enhances Revenue Generation
It’s not just about brand building and thought leadership anymore. While social media has matured as a foundational element of B2B and life science marketing, the pressure is mounting to justify its impact on the company’s bottom line. The good news: social media has become an attractive channel for lead generation. Now, B2B and life science marketers can leverage social media to create measurable value filling the sales pipeline and accelerating prospect conversion.
Social media offers attractive demand generation benefits, particularly for marketers with limited budgets.
- Enhance revenue generation. Promoted and group posts offering high-value, educational content lead prospects to your Web landing pages for conversion into leads.
- Control marketing costs. LinkedIn campaigns, enewsletters, corporate pages, and group participation allow you to reach followers with content at much less cost than traditional advertising and outbound promotion.
- Engage in two-way conversations. Social media is among the few opportunities to engage in dynamic conversations with prospects and customers ─ enabling marketers to correspond with audiences, ask questions, and perform surveys to get feedback and testimonials.
- Create larger prospect networks. Social media’s capability to introduce yourself and connect with prospects offers powerful relationship-building opportunities. Building an extensive network enables direct, one-to-one and one-to-many conversations.
- Test new marketing messages. Social media is an effective strategy for testing messages planned for new campaigns. Create two posts with different takes on the same message to determine the one that achieves the most engagement.
In our next post, we’ll explore how the quality of your social media content will be a decisive factor in generating leads. Plus, we will reveal the best social channels for B2B and life science lead generation.
TW has a new eGuide on social media lead generation that is a must-read for marketers. To receive your copy, click here.